Easily split, merge, unlock, compress and e-sign PDF files with this really useful website. You can also perform task such as turning videos into GIF files, compress images and turn them into different file formats.
If you use a Mac like me, splitting PDF files is a massive pain. With this tool, you can easily achieve this by just uploading the file you need to edit. Converting Videos into GIF files is also a very useful tool for sharing explainer media (such as the one I use below in the how to). The tool can actually unlock PDF files which is awesome if you ever forget your password and the meme maker is a fun addition to the toolset.
I found that the video editing tools are very useful on already processed videos. For example, you could use Loom to record certain processes or actions and turn them into GIFs that loop when you want to explain a certain process.
To use TinyWow, you can upload PDF files from your computer, Dropbox, or Google drive. To save a PDF file, click on the “PDF” button at the top left corner of the page. Next, you can select the desired page and select whether you want to extract individual pages or save all pages. Once you select the page you want, you can upload an image. After this, the unprocessed files will be removed from your account in 15 minutes.
Video to GIF Example:
Yes, TinyWow is safe, they even delete your data after 1 hour. Nothing is ever 100% safe on the internet so be sure to not share information you are not happy to be disclosed in some way.
Yes, Tinywow is completely free to use. They make their money from Display advertising by showing one ad on each page.
Tinywow can solve many of your every day digital challenges such as converting PDf files to word, removing image backgrounds, merging PDFs and editing PDFs.
Here are some links to the most commonly used Tinywow tools:
1. Remove Background
2. Merge PDF
3. PDF to JPG
4. Edit PDF
5. Split PDF
6. Word to PDF
7. Compress PDF
Tinywow encrypt all of their files and uploads. They also delete all uploaded files 1 hour after upload. If you were to use another tool and upload another file, that file would start the 1 hour deletion period for that file again.
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