Use the power of AI to resize images into every social image format you can image. All within one click.
- What’s so good about Pixelhunter?
- Main Features
- Use Cases
- How do you Use Pixelhunter?
- Considerations
- Where do you get it?
What’s so good about Pixelhunter?
Instead of having to crop every image by hand, Pixelhunter does all of this using AI for you automatically. Saving you a lot of time. All you have to do is upload your image and the system will resize it for you into the 102 different formats they have.
Main Features
- One click image formatting using the power of AI.
- Uses the Uploadcare API to recognise images and crops them automatically.
- Supports 102 image formats across all main social media platforms.
- Gives you advice on how to use the images.
Use Cases
The main use case of this tool is it’s speed of delivery. Within about 5 seconds, you have 102 image sizes you can port easily into a design platform like Adobe Express and quickly mock up assets. Whether that is for your client or yourself.
- Resize images quickly and at speed when needed.
- Ensure all images are resized correctly and consistently.
- Download the whole library and send them to the design team.
- Use consistent image resizing each time.
How do you Use Pixelhunter?
- Go to
- Upload the image you want to resize.
- Tick the images you want to download.
- Scroll to the bottom right corner and click download.
- You can only upload one image at a time.
- It works very well with easily recognised images.
- Landscape imagery needs a few tweaks.
- You cannot edit how the images look.
Where do you get it?
- Go to
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